Neck Physical Therapy
Neck Physical Therapy Treatment
Hands-On Techniques. Long-Term Effective Neck Pain Relief
What Causes Neck Pain?
Neck pain is a frequent and often debilitating condition—it is second in total workers compensation costs in the United States. A variety of mechanisms for neck pain have been proposed such as arthritis, trauma, cervical disc, and myofascial pain syndrome. Neck pain is classified by the effect on the patient. For example, one type of neck pain with headaches is referred to as a cerviocranial headache while neck pain with radiating pain is often referred to as spondylosis with radiculopathy or cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy. Oftentimes, neck pain not only affect your neck but also causes pain in your back and shoulder. All of these neck pains including cervicalgia can be treated with physical therapy.
Possible causes:
Signs & Symptoms
Generally, neck pain is felt directly around the neck area but it could also be felt through the upper arm, shoulder blade, forearm, or hand. Therefore, neck pain can be felt in secondary areas beyond the neck as well. Neck conditions have the potential to become chronic if the source of the pain isn’t treated.
- Limitations in cervical range of motion with pain
- Decreased coordination and decreased endurance of deep neck flexor musculature
- Decreased flexibility of the neck musculature
- Upper extremity symptoms that are aggravated with specific neck symptoms
- Rounded shoulder position from cycling or bodybuilding
Why PT?
Addressing neck pain involves a multi-faceted approach to treatment. A full spinal assessment is needed to get to the root of the neck pain. A physical therapist looks for weaker links in the chain of pain and puts together a plan of action on how to treat your condition. An initial spinal assessment could involve looking at the state of your tissues, joints, and spinal alignment while collecting baseline measurements of your range of motion, mobility, flexibility, and levels of pain.
- Manual therapy to manipulate the cervical spine and surrounding areas such as the shoulders in order to increase your neck’s natural range of motion as well as breakdown any damaged tissue.
- Postural training to educate you on how to set-up your workstation to make sure you’re not applying excess strain on certain parts of your neck.
- Custom exercises to strengthen muscles around your neck and shoulder.